Creating Roller Shutter in Photoshop

On this tutorial you will learn to create a realistic wood roller shutter texture using only Photoshop Tools.

Final Image Preview

Creating Roller Shutter in Photoshop

Step 1

Create a new document with 800px width and 500px height. Fill background with linear gradient using Gradient Tool.

Creating Roller Shutter in Photoshop 1
Creating Roller Shutter in Photoshop 2

Step 2

Apply Filter > Noise > Add Noise with following settings:

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Creating Roller Shutter in Photoshop 4

Step 3

Apply Filter > Blur > Motion Blur with following settings:

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Creating Roller Shutter in Photoshop 6

Step 4

Select Crop Tool and remove borders of our background texture by cropping each side.

Creating Roller Shutter in Photoshop 7

After cropping your image should look like mine:

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Step 5

Now we are going to increase constrat. Go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast:

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Creating Roller Shutter in Photoshop 10

We need to reduce light intensity so go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation.

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Creating Roller Shutter in Photoshop 12

Step 6

Apply Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen.

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Step 7

Select one Hard Round Brush, 3 pixels and set foregound color to black color (#000000). Draw several lines and when drawing hold Shift key to make them straight.

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Go to Layer > Blending Options and apply following styles:

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Step 8

Select Rectangular Marquee Tool and select area as shown below.

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Create new layer and fill selected area with black color (#000000).

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Step 8

Select a soft-edged brush with 80 pixels and opacity 70%. With Eraser Tool selected clean up lower edge of the black area.

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Change Layer Blending Mode to Soft Light and we get a deep shadow.

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Copy layer with Ctrl+J and move it to next line. Repeat process till you have all lines with shadow.

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Step 9

Create new layer on top. Select Brush Tool and Grass Brush (it is one of standard brushes that comes with Photoshop). Change foreground color to green (#00ed00) and draw some grass.

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Apply Drop Shadow by going to Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow.

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Final Image

Apply Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen and this tutorial is over and we got a realistic wood roller shutter.

Creating Roller Shutter in Photoshop

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