Abstract Picture from the Photo

This Photoshop tutorial will explain one interesting technique of making abstract picture from the photo.

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Abstract Picture from the Photo


Step 1

Open photo in Photoshop. Go to Image > Image Size and update size to 1000×750 pixels. Double click on layer thumbnail on layers palette to unlock background layer. Create a new layer under flower layer and fill it with black color (Name it “background”). Select flower layer and with Polygonal Lasso Tool select flower. Invert selection by going to Select > Inverse and press Delete to clear selected area.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 1

Step 2

Create a new layer. Select Brush Tool (hard round brush with 2px) and set foreground color to white. Select Pen Tool (make sure Paths is selected instead of Shape Layers) and draw your line like I did to select one petal.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 2
Abstract Picture from the Photo 3

Right-click selection and select Stroke Path.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 4

A dialog box will appear. Choose Brush and make sure there is a tick on Simulate Pressure.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 5

Right-click again and select Delete Path. If you hide temporarily flower layer (by clicking on layer thumbnail on layers palette) you will see this:

Abstract Picture from the Photo 6

Repeat same process to recreate all other petals into shapes and also inner part of flower. Each petal should be on a separate layer. In the end you can delete flower layer.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 7

Step 3

Hide all layers except “background” layer and first petal layer that you created on step 2.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 8

Duplicate layer with petal (Ctrl+J) and move it above all layers. Apply Filter > Stylize > Wind.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 9
Abstract Picture from the Photo 10

Press Ctrl+F a few more times to increase filter effect.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 11

Apply Filter > Blur > Motion Blur.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 12
Abstract Picture from the Photo 13

Move this layer with Move Tool (V) to have something similar to what I did.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 14

Next, apply Edit > Transfom > Warp to place layer content inside petal shape.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 15
Abstract Picture from the Photo 16

Delete original petal layer with shape.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 17

Repeat all these steps for each other petal layers and in the end you will have something similar to my image below.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 18

We just need to create inner part of the flower. Repeat same process as with petals but do not apply Motion Blur.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 19

We can still add some more lines to improve picture like we did with flower petals.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 20

Step 4

We are now going to add color. Create a new layer above all other layers and fill it with color #a100ff.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 21

Change layer mode to Overlay.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 22

Step 5

Create a new layer on top of all other layers. Now we are going to add some glowing to this picture. Select Brush Tool with soft round brush (brush size varying from small to large) and add a few spots with white color.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 23

Change layer mode to Overlay.

Abstract Picture from the Photo 24

Create a new layer on top of all other layers. Add a little more glowing with the Brush Tool (Opacity: 20%) and we are done with this tutorial.

Final Image

Abstract Picture from the Photo

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